Beauty Industry Jobs Continue to Grow

According to the Associated Press, in an article published April 22, recent economic challenges have been especially hard on young people trying to start their working lives with a high school education or less. Only about a third are working full time. Most study participants say money was a major reason they bypassed college and the vast majority plan to continue their education someday. According to the article, four in ten of those surveyed in the AP-Viacom telephone study whose education stopped at high school are unemployed, less than a quarter have part-time jobs.

Statistics from the beauty industry contrast with that gloomy outlook. In 2010, the beauty industry experienced a quick recovery in skincare, followed by a gradual upturn in makeup” over 2009 said Karen Grant, vp and sr global industry analyst, of The NPD Group who does industry analysis. Individuals who follow their dream by becoming aestheticians and make-up artists at IAAS can do so for a minimal investment of both time and money (vs a college education) and, depending on where they become employed, can recoup those education costs within the first 6 months or year of working. Our graduates are proof of what is possible!

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